Planters Kelantan State Central Nursery
Planters Kelantan State Central Nursery
Planters Kelantan State Central Nursery is located at Sg Sam is currently being upgraded in order to become the hub for support in the reforestation work in the state of Kelantan which began in 2021.
Upon completion, Planters Kelantan State Central Nursery can serve up to 200,000 seedlings at one time, ready to be transplanted into the degraded forest sites. Backed by good practices from the Forest Department Nursery Management Manual, we can achieve a higher survivability rate.
The Nursery will enable us to address greatly on climate change, community and education all at the same time.
To produce multiple species seedlings of dipterocarps and fruit bearing trees for reforestation.
To provide job opportunities to local B40 communities.
To train and upskill our workforce with value added knowledge to fit their roles.
Establishing multiple Modular Tissue Culture Laboratories fully operational with its equipment
Building additional nursery buildings for growing seedlings in polybags
Procuring seedlings from other nurseries
Collecting seedlings from parent trees in the forest
Collecting seeds from parent trees in the forest for germination.