Malaysia Biodiversity Centre Townhall & Dialogue

Kuala Lumpur, 22 August 2024 – Today, the Malaysia Biodiversity Centre Townhall & Dialogue session brought together key stakeholders at the Leo Moggie Convention Centre to discuss the future of biodiversity conservation in Malaysia. Planters International Berhad was honored to be invited to this prestigious event, which attracted government officials, environmentalists, NGOs, and industry leaders, all committed to the shared goal of protecting Malaysia’s rich and unique natural heritage.

In his keynote address, YB Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, announced the government's plan to establish the Malaysia Biodiversity Centre (MBC). This cutting-edge facility, strategically located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, will serve as a central hub for biodiversity research, conservation, and education. Equipped with the latest technology, the MBC will house preserved samples, support groundbreaking research, and showcase Malaysia's extraordinary biodiversity through an engaging museum experience designed to captivate both local and international audiences.

Malaysia is globally recognized as one of the 17 megadiverse countries, holding a significant share of the world's biodiversity. According to the 6th National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (2019), Malaysia is home to an astonishing variety of species:

  • Mammals: 306 species

  • Birds: 742 species

  • Reptiles: 567 species

  • Amphibians: 242 species

  • Marine Fishes: 1,619 species

  • Freshwater Fishes: 449 species

  • Invertebrates: An estimated 150,000 species

  • Vascular Plants: An estimated 15,000 species

  • Fungi: Over 4,000 species

  • Mosses: 522 species

  • Hard Coral: 612 species

This vast array of life forms underscores Malaysia's crucial role in global biodiversity conservation efforts. Minister Nik Nazmi emphasized the importance of collaborative action in preserving Malaysia's natural ecosystems. The establishment of the Malaysia Biodiversity Centre marks a significant step in safeguarding the nation’s biodiversity. The facility will not only serve as a repository for invaluable specimens and data but will also be a focal point for international collaboration on environmental sustainability. The Centre is expected to enhance Malaysia's capacity to address biodiversity challenges while promoting sustainable development practices.

Planters International Berhad, along with other participants, fully supports the formation of the MBC. We believe this initiative will significantly strengthen Malaysia's leadership in biodiversity conservation and contribute to global efforts to protect our planet's natural resources. 

As one of the world's megadiverse countries, Malaysia's role in biodiversity conservation is critical. The Malaysia Biodiversity Centre represents a forward-thinking approach to preserving our natural environment, ensuring that Malaysia’s rich ecosystems continue to thrive for generations to come.


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