Most Endangered Animal Species In Malaysia.


Malayan Tiger

This elegant creature is a subspecies unique to Peninsular Malaysia, with the three priority areas for tigers being Taman Negara, Endau-Rompin Forest Complex and Belum Temenggor Forest Complex. In 2015, it was placed under the Critically Endangered list. From 3,000 tigers in the 1950s, the number has reduced to around 300 today.


Malayan Tapir

The Malayan Tapir is a herbivorous mammal with a short trunk and dual-colored body. Found in three regions of Southeast Asia including Malaysia, they are facing extinction due to deforestation and hunting. There are supposedly less than 350 Malayan Tapirs left.


Sunda Pangolin

Pangolins are some of the most heavily trafficked protected animals in the world, as they fetch a high price for their scales, meat and skin, which are believed to have medicinal benefits. In 2016, the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) imposed a total ban on international trade on all species, including the Sunda Pangolin.


Raub farmers cry environmental damage after Pahang Forestry Dept chopped down 15,000 ‘Durian Musang King’ trees