National Climate Governance Summit 2024: A Comprehensive Push Towards Climate Resilience

11 September 2024, Kuala Lumpur – Planters International Berhad was honored to attend the second edition of the National Climate Governance Summit (NCGS) 2024 happening at Sasana Kijang, Bank Negara Malaysia, a flagship event by Climate Governance Malaysia (CGM) aimed at addressing the critical challenges of climate change through governance, financial responsibility, and policy intervention. The summit, held from September 10-12, 2024, gathered prominent climate thought leaders, government officials, financial experts, and sustainability professionals from around the world.

International Advisory Panel (IAP): Driving Global Climate Insights

One of the key highlights of NCGS 2024 was the debut of CGM's International Advisory Panel (IAP), a distinguished group of global climate experts who shared their insights on the intersection of governance, climate action, and economic policy. The panel featured globally renowned figures including:

Andrei Marcu, Founder and Executive Director, European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition (ERCST)

Dr. Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Research Advisor at Khazanah Research Institute and Visiting Fellow at Columbia University

Ian Monroe, President and Chief Investment Officer, Etho Capital

Karina Litvack, Founding Chairman, Climate Governance Initiative

Philippe Joubert, Founder and CEO, Earth on Board

Thakur S. Powdyel, former Minister of Education, Bhutan

Thelma Krug, Chairperson of the Global Climate Observing System Steering Committee (GCOS)

Prof. Anders Levermann, Head of Research Department, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

These thought leaders shared their expertise on a wide range of climate challenges, including sustainable transitions in global economic policies, biodiversity conservation, and strategies to ensure that climate resilience becomes a core tenet of national governance.

Key Highlights from NCGS 2024

Day 1: Fireside Chat and Keynote Addresses

The first day of NCGS 2024 began with an engaging fireside chat featuring YB Nik Nazmi Bin Nik Ahmad, Malaysia’s Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES). Moderated by Datin Seri Sunita Rajakumar, Chairperson of CGM, the discussion revolved around Malaysia’s commitment to addressing climate change, national climate risks, and the policy frameworks necessary for long-term resilience. The Minister emphasized the importance of collective action in mitigating the effects of climate change, particularly in preserving Malaysia’s rich biodiversity and ensuring sustainable development.

Day 2: Systemic Risks to the Financial Sector

The second day delved deeper into the systemic risks posed by climate change to Malaysia’s financial sector. Speakers discussed the significant impacts the climate crisis could have on economic stability, investment flows, and corporate governance, particularly in key industries like construction and property. The role of financial institutions in enabling climate resilience was discussed in detail, with a focus on how green financing and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices could be strengthened to support sustainability-driven businesses.

Day 3: Biodiversity – A Competitive Advantage

On the final day of the summit, the discussions shifted towards biodiversity, emphasizing how Malaysia’s rich natural environment could be a powerful asset for both economic growth and climate resilience. Biodiversity conservation was framed as essential for maintaining Malaysia’s competitive edge in the global market, particularly in agriculture, tourism, and sustainable development sectors. Experts shared insights into how industries could align with climate goals while ensuring the protection of biodiversity hotspots throughout Malaysia.

Workshops and Masterclasses

The three-day event also featured a series of 15 workshops and 7 Masterclasses, led by esteemed experts, that explored critical themes such as sustainable construction, carbon reporting, biodiversity restoration, and climate risk management. These sessions provided participants with actionable strategies and tools to implement climate governance in their own sectors.

Strengthening Partnerships for Climate Action

Throughout the event, partnerships were emphasized as crucial in ensuring a unified approach to the climate crisis. NCGS 2024 was supported by a range of sponsors including CelcomDigi, EU Delegation to Malaysia, Sime Darby Property, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), and the US Embassy, among others. In addition, important stakeholders such as the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance (MICG) were key contributors in shaping discussions.

Conclusion: A Call for Collective Action

As NCGS 2024 concluded, one message remained clear: tackling the climate crisis requires a collaborative approach, bridging government, private sector, and civil society. As Planters International Berhad, we are committed to playing our part by integrating sustainable practices into our biodiversity conservation efforts and advancing climate-conscious operations. The knowledge and networks gained from this summit will undoubtedly influence our continued drive towards a greener, more resilient future.


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