Curtin University Alumni ushers 2023 by planting 150 trees
Curtin Universiti alumni contributes to plant 30 species of exotic wild fruit bearing trees and dipterocarps at Taman Botani Negara as part of their reforestation and enrichment program with Planters International Bhd. With the motto of “Make Tomorrow Better”, Curtin University is true to its words by making the efforts for better future. As we mourn for the lost of many lives in the landslides and the flood disaster in the East Coast, Curtin University has set their goals straight to participate in this event to benefit the environment for the younger generation.

A group of scouts is invited to represent the next generation and educating them of the reforestation program, to encourage young people to be aware of the importance of planting trees, the species and how these trees are needed in our ecosystem. Trees often perceived as landscapes however, our aim is to replant trees which are beneficial to wildlife and to create sustainability in the ecosystem. Among the trees which are planted, Khaya, Cengal, Tongkat Ali from the dipterocarp species, and others are Nam-nam, jering, gajus, putat, cermai merah and many more.
The event goes so well, everyone is very pleased that they turn up and describe that the event is better than they expect.. Sweating out while planting surrounded by big tall trees proven to uplift the mood of all participants. The red crescent ladies are the happiest that the event is smooth and no one needs any aids or assistance throughout the event.
As our country has silenced on the New Year’s Eve celebration with no fireworks and no unnecessary spending, Planters is welcoming universities and corporates to kick of the New Year with the objective of healing our land and bring our forest back to the way it was.
For more information on how you can help our rainforest, go to the voluntary section to receive details..