Sustainable Ecotourism and the benefits for the community as Planters sees it
Panel discussed on mitigating between fulfilling demand of tourists, economic generation for the locals and the impact on the environment
Tatler Sustainability Weekend Discussion highlighted all the critical points on what are green ecotourism fundamentals, and how to educate people to not fall into the greenwashing traps by the business operators. Adjunct Professor Anthony Wong shared the milestone on how they manage the asset in the sustainability way through reuse the old buildings and turn waste into fertiliser and biomass. His efforts are worldly recognised and he has been invited to do talks and to share his method to ensure that we can enjoy the nature on a holiday without impacting the environment in a bad way.
The discussion took interesting turn when Julian Hyde from Reef Check Malaysia revealed that the local were relieved with the Covid situation when the tourism was held off and they got to enjoy their village in less frantic way and the coral and the surrounding slowly recovered from over populated by the incoming. Dr Serina expressed her concern of the occurrence of land slides in some parts in Cherating which may caused by overdeveloping the area to cater the demand from tourists locals and internationals. The discussion conclude to agree by turning Malaysia as a premium destination and to limit number of tourists to mitigate the overcrowding problem. There will be many steps towards achieving the goal due to policy and if it is inline with the government program also has to be taken into consideration. Discussion should be continued and to involve representatives from the Authority may open a progressive discussion.
Interesting topics on community, the well being, to educate circle economy and empowering the community through safety especially for the B40 and immigrant workers.
Shin Tseng expressed his passion on the up cycling of old buildings as a way to live and to create sustainable culture with the community by providing them a space that they can spend time where the concept is encouraged. While Shing Tseng spontaneously announce that Tatler brings sexiness in Sustainability, Dr Nick emphasised kindness as part of what sustainability is about. His modus operandi by providing KLean as a mean to encourage people to recycle the PET bottles and giving the people opportunity to earn through recycling by getting points which can be converted into Touch N Go, vouchers on selected shopping platform which may help the poorer community to earn some income to ease their burden. Klean aims to encourage the community to recycle conveniently as many of the vending machines are available at major malls and places where large crowd are gathered and collecting pet bottles are more likely to be in significant amount. Asked by Dr Yasmin, what is the adjective for sustainability, Sime Darby Properties General Manager highlighted that safety describes sustainability in which everyone safety is priority, and immigrant workers are included. Razif went further to explain that the immigrant workers have to be ensured their safety so they can return to their family as part of sustainability ethics touched the audience hearts in many ways. This proved that sustainability can bring so many good in the community lives and understanding the concept will help close gaps in the poverty, encourage practice of kindness and peaceful living. The discussion ended on the stage but carried on over lunch hosted by Lola, who provide scrumptious cakes and mouth bites burgers.
Tatler as always featured sustainable brands as part of the weekend event giving us the opportunity to support the businesses in fashion, beauty. living and last but very importantly - food. The bazaar highlighted Volvo as the Ev partner and The International Gallery by Sime Darby Properties absolutely gorgeous.