Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam (TBNSA) is within the HSK Bukit Cerakah, Selangor, has been established since 1986. Since then, its existence has played a major role in preserving the original biodiversity of the area. We have carried out a few programs together with the help of our affiliates in enriching and restoring the forested area as well as study plots for research purposes. Hundreds of trees, a total of 34 species, have been planted by Planters Reforestation and Enrichment Programme at Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam including exotics and concerned native plant species.
TBNSA is a botanical garden that covers an area of 817 hectares and is the largest botanical garden in the world. TBNSA is a flora and fauna conservation center in Malaysia. There are 422 species of flora that can be found in TBNSA, 31 species of which are endemic to Peninsular Malaysia while another 20 species are listed as endangered species.
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