Amanahraya REIT plants dipterocarps and grows fruit bearing trees
Amanahraya REIT contributed to planting dipterocarps such as merawan and meranti in the wild and 20 species of fruit bearing species which are now geotagged and nurtured at Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam as part of Planters Restoration Program at HSK Bukit Cerakah.
Apart from filling up the space with trees curated by Taman Botani Negara botanical unit, Amanahraya REIT also contributes to grow and planting dipterocarps in the wild in Kelantan and Terengganu as part of their CSR endeavour towards the environment: Forest Grow & Restore. We hope many more will make decisions like Amanahraya REIT to actually ensure that the planting will bear fruits and benefits many.
The planting started in the mid-morning, and the crew planned well and showed enthusiasm in getting their hands dirty to get the trees in, and the job done. Nevertheless, after the hard work that they put in, the team lead by CEO, Yusoff Iskandar, found the activity was exhilarating, beneficial for them as individuals and also as a unit of company.
Fruit trees planted:
Jentik-jentik, Cermai kuning , Berangan ,Ciku mega , Limau bali merah, Jambu bertih merah, Jambu Putih , Tampoi , Kerkup , Setoi, Jambu madu merah, Rambai, Cermai merah, Cempedak madu, Jambu botol, Jambu isi merah, Nona, Asam renda, Ajaib and Jambu madu hijau.
The trees are individually tagged and Geotagged for monitoring purposes.