Happy National Environment Day!

Hari Alam Sekitar Negara (HASN) / National Environment Day is a rebranding and improvement initiative made by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment from the organization of Malaysian Environment Week in previous years. The HASN celebration on this special day aims to invite the whole community to celebrate the spirit of love for the environment. In addition, the celebration on a specific day compared to the Malaysian Environment Week celebration for one week before this is more reflective of the importance of caring for the environment at all times throughout the year.

The Minggu Alam Sekitar Malaysia (MASM) / Malaysian Environment Week celebration is an annual event that has been organized following the enactment of the Langkawi Declaration on the Environment on 21 October 1989. Since 1991, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (then Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment) through the Department Environment has planned and implemented various activities as an ongoing effort by the Government to inculcate and increase environmental awareness among the Malaysian community. MASM is celebrated annually from 21 to 27 October in conjunction with Malaysia Environment Day which falls on 21 October.

Based on the idea of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment in conjunction with MASM on 17 October 2015, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has agreed to brand Malaysia Environment Week (MASM) as National Environment Day, HASN (National Environment Day). The rebranding is intended so that the community can instill a high sense of love for the environment when it is known as ‘Hari Alam Sekitar Negara / National Environment Day’. HASN is organized simultaneously throughout the country with various filling activities such as Opening Ceremony, Envirowalk / Envirorun / Enviroride / Envirohunt / Envirohill, Exhibition of New Material Design Competition From Waste, Health Inspection, Free Vehicle Inspection and Vehicle Smoke Emission Test, nature exhibition around and so on.

The HASN celebration targets various levels of society such as kindergarten children, schools, institutions of higher learning (IPT), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local communities, government and private agencies, industry and the general public.


Tissue Culture Introduction Workshop


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