Tissue Culture Introduction Workshop

On 16 and 17 November 2021, Planters’s team went to learn and follow up the tissue culture workshop at Tissue Culture Introduction Workshop at National Institute of Biotechnology Malaysia in Agro-Biotechnology Institute Malaysia. Planters going to build up lab for tissue culture in Sungai Penchala, Taman Tun Dr Ismail.

Tissue culture is a technique in which fragments of plants are cultured and grown in a laboratory. Many times the organs are also used for tissue culture. The media used for the growth of the culture is broth and agar.

This technique is also known as micropropagation. It has proved beneficial for the production of disease-free plants and increase plant yield in developing countries. It only requires a sterile workplace, greenhouse, trained manpower, and a nursery.

Oil palm, banana, eggplant, pineapple, rubber tree, tomato, sweet potato have been produced by tissue culture in the developing countries.

Theory 1 : Introduction to plant tissue culture class by Madam Sharina and Madam Siti Rokhiyah

Theory 2: Plant micropropagation and media preparation

Practical 1: Aseptic techniques, laboratory design and media preparation

Practical 2: Surface sterilization

Practical 3: Micropropragration, aseptic transfer and sub-culturing of plantlets

Practical 4: Callus induction, somatic embryogenesis, and organogenesis

Practical 5: Rooting of plantlets, acclimatization and plant hardening

Practical 6: Initiation of liquid culture in shake flask


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Happy National Environment Day!