Planters connects with MGTC for Carbon Offset Solution for industries with high emission


Our recent discussions with Malaysia Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) illustrates how we can work together to find solutions for industries that are causing high levels of carbon emission. MGTC is an agency under KASA which is responsible for working towards increasing Malaysia's Gross Domestic Product from green technology by RM 100 billion annually, along with generating 230,000 jobs in this field. These are both objectives aligned with our desire to create meaningful projects that have lasting benefits within the surrounding communities while also being sustainable - all while aligning with various United Nations Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the UNSDGs.

MGTC performs three (3) roles as follows:

  1. Mainstreaming the Green Economy through green product and service expansion programs such as the MyHIJAU Mark Certification Program. The Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) & Green Technology Investment Tax Exemption (GITE) as well as training and human capital development schemes.

  2. Drive climate change mitigation actions such as advocacy for energy efficiency and renewable energy, low carbon urban programs and low carbon mobility

  3. Cultivate a green lifestyle through publicity and awareness programs in fostering cooperation between the government and private sectors in the global-scale platform such as International Greentech and Eco Products Exhibition and Conference Malaysia (IGEM) program and other public programs physically or through social media.

We look forward towards this cooperation which will allow us to collaborate on efforts towards achieving ESG goals through carbon sequestration, Sustainable Development Goals, and Socially Responsible Investing practices for many organizations. We are confident in our ability to work closely with many different types of corporations. As such, we hope that this cooperation between our two entities will bring positive outcomes for all parties involved - especially because these endeavors would also help conserve forests and wildlife habitats while benefitting communities in the surrounding area.


Another quadrate is under care


CIMB Foundation, Planters, tie up for forest conservation and preservation in Kelantan