Planting idea with the future generation

TERNS - Train, Educate & Responsibility to Nature and Society is lead by Colonel Allan Lai in the inspiration to bring back the unity and harmony among the youth and to instil respect and sense of belonging towards nature and our beloved country, Malaysia. TERNS programme has been around since 2019 and participated by children from the age of seven up to their teen years.

Planters is very honoured to be given the opportunity to share our story about reforestation with these brilliant generation who are actively participating, contributing ideas and their understanding through their reading and research which assigned prior to the program meeting. It is very breathtaking to see that the future generation understands and cares about the importance of protecting the environment and preserving natural resources.

The program with Planters begins with the Introduction to the concept of reforestation and exchange of knowledge and discussion of what can they understand from their reading. The TERNS participants further learn that Planters efforts and initiatives are not limited to replanting trees, it also includes the whole process of restoring degraded or deforested areas and its ecosystem. They learn that rainforests is home to millions of plant and animal species, and they provide critical ecosystem services, such as regulating the Earth's climate, maintaining soil health, and providing clean water.

The session with Planters ends with the participants expressing their understanding about Planters effort through drawing and they present their thoughts and ideas to other attending students. The session ends with the note that reforestation efforts are not a panacea for the complex problems facing rainforests, and that they should be combined with efforts to reduce deforestation and protect existing forest areas. Everyone can play an important role in helping to restore degraded lands and the critical ecosystems at their own capacity.


Emerging satellite constellation in Planters site


Our Forest - di hujung tanduk (at the edge)